Monday, March 30, 2009 @ 10:56 PM: David Archuleta is coming to KL!!
Ah well,wanted to blog tonight but looks like I won't have the time. Rushing reports, concept maps and notes to study for quizzes. Sigh. When will my life finally slow down??? But 1st, Jz wanted to ask for a request from ya'll. If any of u happen to be too free or anything, mind helping me check on the price of David Archuleta tickets? And where I might be able to get them? He's coming to KL on 9th-11th April. Gonna be performing in Sunway Lagoon Amphtheater on the 11th. I just have to get in!! It would be sooooo wrong if I missed out on this once in a lifetime opportunity xDD Anyone who can help me find out would be a greaat help!! Thx in advance. Anyway, better get back to studying. Nightz! Labels: assignments, college, concert, my life Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 9:34 PM: The 100 Truth ~ Tagged by See Ling
Sigh, tis see ling so bad lo, only tag me...Lol, anyway today nothing much for me to write about, so this will be my only post for today bah. Let u guys find out more about me anywayz xD The 100 Truth: 001. Real Name :: Chew Mun Wai 002. Nickname(s):: Eddie, Edd, Edward, Blur blur, eddie didi,... 003 Age :: 18 (until Sept 09) 004.Horoscope :: Libra 005. Male or Female :: Male 006. Elementary :: Tadika MCA 007. Middle School :: SJK C Yoke Nam 008. High School :: SMK Sri Sentosa 009. College School :: Segi College Subang Jaya 010. Hair colour :: Brown 011. Long or Short :: Erm, normal length for guy hair, isit consider short? xD 012. Loud or Quiet :: Quiet at 1st, but loud once u get 2 noe me =P 013. Sweats or Jeans :: Jeans 014. Phone or Camera :: Phone 015. Health Freak :: Haha, no way. 016. Drink or Smoke :: If by drink meaning alcohol, then neither. 017. Do you have a crush on someone :: Haha. U guess lo~ xD 018. Eat or Drink :: Both ofcoz! 019. Piercings :: Nope 020. Tattoos :: Haha nope. 021. Social or Anti-Social :: Consider social i guess.. 022. Righty or lefty :: Righty 023. First piercing :: n/a 024. First relationship :: Never b4 T.T 025. First Best Friend :: Tan Chin Kuan (a.k.a.Monkey King hahaha!) 026. First Award :: Primary (1st place in standard 4^^) 027. First Kiss :: Lol. Waaaaaayyyyy back when i was born. My mom haha!! 028. First Pet :: Pet fishes. Guppies. 029. First Big Vacation :: Dun remember. 030. First Love at first sight :: Hmm, not reli. I believe in it but nvr happen 2 me b4. 031. First Big Birthday :: Haha, my 1st birthday ever!! Las time i was 1st kid in family so... xD 032. First Surgery :: Never! 033. First sport you joined :: Badminton? This or That 034. Orange or Apple juice ::Apple 035. Rock or Rap :: Rock 036. Country or Screamo :: Country 037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys :: Backstreet boys. 038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera :: Depends on mood, but now is Britney Spears. 039. Night or Day :: Night 040. Sun or Moon :: Moon 041. TV or Internet :: Internet 042. Playstation or xbox :: xbox 043. Kiss or hug ::Both also want, but prefer a hug now.. 044. Iguana or turtle :: Turtle. 045. Spider or bee :: Erm, do i have to choose? I both aso dun wan xD 046. Fall or spring :: Hmm, Fall i guess. Soemthing unique =) 047. Limewire or iTunes :: iTunes 048. Soccer or baseball :: baseball Currently 049. watching nba game :: nopw 050. Drinking :: Nope. No alcohol for me xD 051. Excitement level :: 0/10. Not feeling so in the mood now. 052. I'm about to :: Start another boring n exhausting week. 053. Listening to :: Amazing - Westlife 054. Plan for today :: Study abit, watch drama maybe, then sleep. 055. Waiting for :: God to tell me he's gonna cut me some slack. 056. Energy Level :: Low. Very low. 057. Thinking of someone :: Lol, seems that way these days... Future 058. Want kids? :: Definitely. 059. Want to get married? :: Yeah, i guess. 060. When? :: Dunno. Jz gonna let thing take its own time. Tho, nt anytime soon 4 sure. 061. How many kids do you want :: haha, duno but minimum 2 xD... 1 boy 1 girl atleast!! 062. Any name on the mind :: Hmm... maybe maybe... if i think about it i might hv some lol! 063. What did you want to be when you were little :: When i was little?? Digimon tamer haha!! 064. Careers in mind :: Not sure but hopefully in music or entertainment 065. Mellow future or wild :: Mellow mostly, but still hv some wild moments evry nw n thn. =) 066. Something you would never try :: Cheat or backstab my friends. 067. When do you want to die :: Lol, when I am done enjoying my life n c my family happy. Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future) 068. Lips or Eyes :: Eyes 069. Romantic or Funny? :: Both also want. But more to funny xP 070. Shorter or Taller? :: Shorter. Cnt b taller thn me haha!! 071. Protective or Caring? :: Caring 072. Romantic or Spontaneous? :: Both. Best is spontaneous. 073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms? :: Erm, i'm fine with either 1?? Arms i guess.. 074. Sensitive or Loud? :: Haha, i'd say sensitive bt i duno if i will end up liking a loud girl xD 075. Hook-up or Relationship? :: Relationship. 076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant? :: Erm, who wants either one?? Not me. 077. Muscular or normal :: Lol. Normal. Have you ever 078. Kissed a stranger :: Maybe as a kid... 079. Broken a bone :: Erm, i think so.. Hit my head n got stitches whn i was 3. 080. Lost glasses or contacts :: Nope. 081. Ran away from home :: No. 082. Held a gun/knife for self defence :: Haha no. 083. Killed somebody :: In a virtual game then yes xD 084. Broken some one's heart :: Not that I know of. If i did unknowingly then i apologize =) 085. Had your heart broken :: Haha, yes. 086. Been arrested :: Nope. I'm a good guy =P 087. Cried when someone died :: Yeah. 088. Liked a friend more than a friend :: lol.. Do you believe in 089. Yourself :: Sometimes.. 090. Miracles :: Yes. 091. Love at first sight :: Definitely. 092. Heaven :: yeah, i guess. 093. Santa Claus :: Haha, i try to tho deep down i noe the truth =P 094. Tooth Fairy :: Nah... 095. Kiss in the first date :: Lol, i think it depends.. 096. Angels :: I do, and hopefully I'm right. 097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? :: Who doesnt? 098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? :: i suppose I am compared wif b4 099. Do you believe in God? :: yes, n i'm sure He's enjoyin a gud laugh watchin my life.. 100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people Tagged: - Siew Lin - - Yee Jhien - - Phraveen - -the tag ends here - XD Only 3 lucky ppl!! Wakakaka!!! See Ling escapes this one but next round... **Evil laughter** xD Labels: tagged Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 11:53 PM: My Earth Hour
Did u guys support Earth Hour today??Well, I'm not sure about u guys, but I sure did!! Even my cousin Sara's family, even my grandma!! Haha. My sis say my grandma very cute wakakaka!! Just for supporting earth hour. Lolz la! So i'm just gonna tell u guys how I spent my earth hour. Anyway, nothing much happened. But still, it was good to be away from everythign and just sit around the living room, listening to the songs on my hp xD We just sat thr by the candle light and talked. Well most of us did. My bro n I just kept acting like complete crazy ppl! Kept singing songs and acting funny while singing. Out of tune as well!! My sis. Over all, it was a cool night. Plus, i loved the fact that I was finally able to do something, even though small, for the enviroment. I was however quite dissapointed that a lot of ppl in my area still kept their lights on. Either they couldn't be bothered, or they just didn't know of such thing called Earth Hour. Seriously, Some ppl say that there's no point in switching of our lights. What help would it do for our Earth? Well, to all the ppl who think so, Let me tell you. Its not the fact that we just switch off out lights. Its actually to help create awereness. To show ppl that we do care about our Earth. That we don't just sit on our bums hoping someone will fix it for us eventually. We have to put some effort in helping, no matter in what way. And to those who didn't help tonight, I really feel sorry for these ignorant people. But to those who did help, I just can say thanks. I am but a small voice within a chorus. Alone, I can't do much. But together, we can make a difference. In support of Earth Hour xD~ Labels: earth hour, my life Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 11:41 PM: Joy in the Midst of a Flurry
Finally!!!After 2 days of lack of sleep (including yesterday where i didn't sleep at all for 28hrs!!), I finally have my sleepless nights behind me. For now atleast. Still got more reports due next week.. But until then, Thank God!! Part 1 - Gen Psy Presentation **************************************************** The one thing I'm glad is, that these sleepless days didn't go to waste! Well, I'm not sure about the Chemistry report... That one I'm just keeping my fingers crossed!! But for my Gen Psy presentation, it went great!! Although I didn't have any sleep at all, I managed to pull myself together with a Iced Mocha, courtesy of Starbucks!! And the presentation was cool!! I didn't stutter much, managed to pull in a couple of laughs from the crowd, and even kept the crowd's attention and made sure everyone understood atleast 90% of what I was saying!! Got some praises after that so it was cool too!! =) Lol, Amy joins in. Look at those eye bags of mine!! U could bag up some water in it and put out a fire with it!! Me, Emily n Vivian. Emily did the 2nd part of our Chapter that we presented. N aso helps me out sooo much by fetchin me home evry wed. Thx loads!! Especially on tht exhausting day!! =) Us, and the amazingly coolest lecturer, Miss Aiena!! ps: To the person who knows who SHE is, can finally see me in formal clothes larrr xDDD And so, after I got home, and had dinner, I went to sleep at 6.30pm. Didn't get up until 9.30pm where I sneezed violently for abt 1/2hr, then went back to sleep til this morning 8am. xD Part 2 - Mighty Kids!! ********************************************* Today morning, was one of THE most fun days of my life. For this year. I mean, it wasn't reli a outing with friends or anything. It was a Sociology research. I was supposed to meet Yoke Yuen at 8am but like I said earler, I overslept. So, I met her at 8.50am whre she was already waiting with a friend of hers, Jonathan Chew (yep, another Chew like me n Yoke Yuen haha!!). He was gonna help us out. So we took the bus to the Mighty Kids Kindergarden, where we arrived around 9.30am. We first went to meet the Principal, Whose name escapes me!! xD She brought us around the kindergarten to see the environment... Then she let us into a classroom to begin observing. We first began observing the 6yo class. They were all really cute reli!! there were some of them that just looked over at us and said "Hi!!" and waved at us!! So un-shy!! Hard to believe that we ppl that are much more grown up than them, find that hard, and even torturing sometimes!! xD Anyway, we continued to observe them until it was their lunch time. So while they went to wash their hands, we got to talk to the teachers for abit, then they came back and we began to try to talk to the kids. Poor me. 1st kid I talk to, ignored me. The teacher just laughed and said "You picked the wrong kid!! This kid is one of the most quiet kid in class!!" Lol. Just my luck. So I moved on and talked to another 2 kids. Jonathan (yes, jonathan xD) and Sophia. The boy was more quiet and answered me "I dunno" for most of the ques. But the girl, was quite willing to talk!! God, I swear they r so damn cute!!! So we talked for abit mroe before we left the class to see other kids in Music and Movement class. Which was equally cute!! Then we moved on the one more class. This time, things got more tricker. 1st off, I must say there is a kid there by the name of Amos (chinese, cute boy and very sociable) who is seriously like, I dunno... it would seem like he couldn't wait to speak to us!! Once he sat down in class, He just said "We all very scared of u all la coz u all so big!!" Lolz!! True. I did feel like a giant the whole time there. Especially when we were offered seats, and they were those mini types my lil bro has haha!!! here's an example!! xDD So we basically sat on these chairs till I gave up. I kneeled on the floor hahaha!! Anyway, there were 4 tables in the class, and I took one of them. I got my notebook out and asked them their name. Immediately!! I was bombarded with a whole load of names from them!!! There were like 7 six-year-olds screaming their names at me!!! I couldn't write it in time!! And then there was one cute little boy that kept tapping my sholder from the table behind. He kept trying to tell me his name too. So cute!!! And then i asked them what toys they liked. That was worse!! They kept yelling stuff like "Ben 10 watch!", "Transformer!! I like Optimus Prime!!", "Lego toy!!", "I like masak-masak!!" etc etc... Reli cute. Then the kid from the table behind tapped my shoulder again. He said "I like Sonic Aventure 2 Cartridge" So i said okay, then i wrote Sonic Aventure 2. Then he said again "No... Sonic Aventure 2 CARTRIDGE!!" And I was like, "Ok ok... Sonic Aventure 2 Cartridge... xDD" Lol. And they also asked funny questions like do I noe how to speak chinese. Just because I was wearing a shirt with chinese words. Later on I even got the nickname "Girl" becoz there was a chinese word on my shirt that said that. =='' When I left they kept going "Bye bye girl!!!" And I'd just pretend to be sad or surprised n they'd laugh over it. And they even asked my name and how to spell it. And when I did, they changed its spelling to "E-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-i-i-e-e-e-e-e-e-e" And I kept sayin "What? How can?? Then my name is Edddddiieeeeeeeeeee lo?" And they go LOL~ And the boy Amos? After tht my friends told me that he asked my guy friend if he could be his boyfriend. Reli lol!! I think he meant as in "Friend as a boy"... I think. And then before we left the class, He told Yoke Yuen "I like u jie jie." Then she replied "I like u too" Then he went and kissed her cheek. LOL right??! So damn adorable!!! And confident too!! I think I might need some tips from these kids xDD I mean, I asked some of them who was their best friend, And some answered "My mommy, my kakak, and my boyfriend" I was like.... "Ur boyfriend??? Is he here in class??" And she was like "No, he is behind my school" OMG, I think I am such a noob now. These kids today are amazing!! And still maintaining their cuteness. Seriously, never underestimate kids. And I reli had a great time with them today. Soooooooooo worth getting up in the morning!!! If ever any Mighty Kids r reading this, U guys rock!! Just from looking at u guys and talking to some of u, I honestly can see how a person u will be in the future. Surely not like me!!! Luckily xD I can now see why some ppl would be willing to do anything for these kids. An hour in that kindergarden and I'm already beginning to get attached to them!! xP And its good. Trust me. A MIGHTY SHOUTOUT TO THE MIGHTY KIDS!!! =) Honestly, I kinda feel like getting a job that has to do with kids also. Maybe 5-7yos. Not too young coz those r harder to deal with. Maybe I might part-time in a kindergarden? Who knows? =P Anyway i wish i had pictures, bt they said we weren't allowed to take any photos or videos... So... sigh... After that, I went to Midvalley around 12pm and sat around MPH after my CHicken Chop!! Reading. Until about 4pm when I finally got home and life resumed. Today has been an awesome day. I love kids seriously. Don't want any anytime soon!! But just love playing with them. I guess I'm just a kid at heart xDD ********************************************* Oh ya, and I managed to get the few Chemistry Showcase pics from Vivian. Nothing on the other photos I owe u guys yet but hopefully soon! The whole groups here!! Btw, did u guys know, David Archuleta is coming to KL??? Damn surprising news!!! I'm like, so excited about it!! He is one of my most greatest idols and I soooo look forward to seeing him xDD But I still need details. So far, I only know he will be in KL from 9-11th April. He wil be performing in Sunway Lagoon Amphetheatre on 11th April. But thats all I know. I still need to know the time, and the price. If anyone knows, inform me ASAP!!! xP Just doing my happy dance now~ =P Labels: assignments, college, my life, presentations Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 11:03 PM: Doing assignment
Exhausted!!Tired!!! Sleepy!!!!! I seem to be saying these words a lot these days don't I? Almost 4am and I'm still waiting for my group members to send me their parts of the Chemistry Report. (Ignore the blog time n date. I've been wanting to post since then but only managed to post just now =='') So Sleepy n Hungry!!!!!! Go eat bread while waiting hahaha!! So envy all u ppl sleeping now.. **Edit on Tues, March 24, 11.44pm: I think I'm not gonna be adding an entry just for these 2 days. Coz i'll still be too busy to write much and it'd be a waste of ur time reading such pointless little notes anyway =P Labels: assignments Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 11:29 PM: Busy
Erm, sry still no photos.No one has sent to me yet. Sigh. But I am busy with my chem n gen psy stuff so i won't have much to post. G'nite All! Labels: college Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 11:51 PM: Mistakes, Joy and Misery
Hey!Sry abt the late post. Ytd after I got bak frm T.Square wif Sara n V.Shian, I was so tired tht i went to take a nap at 8pm and woke up at 10pm. I walked sat around for like a couple of minutes then I posted last night's short entry b4 i finally went back to sleep again at 10.30pm. And then, woke up at 12 noon today xDDD So total, slept about probably almost 16 hrs. Yup. Haha. Anyway, back to yesterday... Me n Sara was supposed to celebrate V.Shian's bday. So we met him at T.Square la. When we got thr, we met up at Starbucks 1st since none of us had our breakfast yet. Then a conversation ensued. And after awhile, this was what happened: VS: Haiz, ei. U guys noe ar, on my bday so cham la. Duno wat Earth Day.. on my birthday sumore.. dunno wat luck.. **Then i start thinking... huh? Earth Day?? Then i look at sara n she look bak at me ** Ed: Err, Earth Day? Isn't that like on... VS: 28th la. Nex week lo.. on my bday ma.. Haizz.. Sara: Ha!! Ur bday is next week on 28th?! Ha!!! I told u so Ed!! i knew it!! Ed: Har??!! Nx week meh?? I tot u said 20th??? VS: Nola... i said 28 ma.. Sara: Hahaha!!! Ed: Hahahahahha!!!! Then wat r we doin 2day wor har?? sara?? xDD So end up, we celebrated his bday on the wrong day xD But still, at least we got to meet up to celebrate coz I doubt we all would be free then. We just spent the day going to Neway to sing k. =P Then after that, just roamed around T.Square. Sara bought a japanese drama =.='' Borrowed rm20 frm me swt.... I still waitin 4 her to pay me back!!! Then i ended up being drawn towards a shop called Old Skulls. Saw a vry irresistable shirt xD Then saw the tag saying: "Buy 1 = rm19.90, Buy 2 = rm36.90" And that was it. I was caught. Trapped. Got stuck there for quite awhile after I went to the ATM to get money xD Ended up buying these 2 T-Shirts hehehe. It was damn cheap n nice tho!!! Heh. Front is vry simple, but back is quite cool. I was actually gonna buy another shirt which had an arrow pointing to the guy beside me and saying "I think he is gay.." xDDD But, i dun wanna be so evil lar.... Muhahahahhaa!!!! Lolz. After tht, we walked around b4 sending off V.Shian who was rushin back home 2 ply Maple. So swt right?!! Then me n sara continued walkin for abt 1/2 hr lo... Saw Bomberman too haha! Lol... stealing his bombing powers xD And after tht, we headed back. And just in time too!! Once we reached the Lrt Station, it started to rain. So we got back around 4pm. And btw, met Bernard on the lrt too!!! Hahaha... sara saw him n was like "hey ed, its Bernard worrrr....." Lolz. Anyway thts my day. But honestly, I bet cha wondering why isnt thr any photos of V.Shian since ytd was all abt him. Well, thts becoz most of the pics r still wif him. Tht guy took it along to Melaka wif him... =.='' Sigh. So once again, I'll will owe u guys more photos. Hmm, lets see... - I need to post up the Christine's Wedding pics (once christine sneds them over, which will take... forever!!!) - Maybe 2-3 pics from Celeste's bday (if i can manage to persuade her to send em to me) - Chem showcase pics (probably on monday or tues whn vivian comes bak frm her hometown) - And the latest pics from ytd's outing. Crap la.. And now I hv to start worrying about my college stuff again. Here I thought everything was over. But end up I still got so much. So damn headache!!! Gotta do a 40 pg Chem Report for the showcase n hand in on Tues, a slideshow for Gen Psychology presentation on Wed, a Concept Map for Gen Psy as well, which btw, I hv no idea wht isit abt since i missed the class last wed for the stupid showcase, and not to mention i've gotta go do a sociology research in kindergartens and talk to kids on tuesday and probably thurs morning!!! When will my world stop spinning so fast??!!! Labels: clothes, college, friends, my life, sing k Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 10:29 PM: Update 2moro
Tired.Very sleepy. Just woke up from short nap but want to go bak 2 sleep d. Will update u guys tomoro. Update include: - My trip out with Sara n V.Shian. - N possibly some photos. G'Nite!!! Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 11:08 PM: Race to Witch Mountain. Awesome.
Warning: This post contains slight spoilers. Read at own risk!!I finally watched Race to Witch Mountain!!! Went with my mom, aunt, sara, brandon n my bro n sis. Seriously, I knew this show would be worth watching!!! Amazing story, amazing graphics. Simply amazing!!! ![]() The amazing duo in the movie!! I gotta say, I love this movie. Sara and Seth who are aliens, both have their own special abilities. Sara, has the power of telekinesis and telepathy. So she can pretty much move anything with her mind and read other people's thoughts at will. According to her, all humans r able to do so as well. Prob is, we havent learnt to use our full capacity of our brain. Damn right we havent!! Must start learning how to use 100% of my brain hahaha. Seth, has the power to change his molecular structure of his body. This meaning that he can change his molecules to go through any object and anything, and at the same time, can change it to do the opposite, which makes him indestructable. Damn cool!! If u ask me, i wouldn't know which power I wanna have more. But I guess, some may say this might be a weird choice, but I think i would choose Seth's power. Coz, moving things with our minds, reading thoughts... I wouldn't get to do it much in public. As for mind reading, as tempting as it is, I would rather let ppl tell me themselves. Imagine if u checked every single person if they were hiding anything from u. Where would the surprise be? Besides, to be able to be invincible towards any sort of attack., to be able to walk through solid objects. Hell. That is some power!! Lolz. Okay, i'm fantasizing again. Though I wish it was true tho. T.T Btw, in American Idol tonight, Carrie Underwood came back to perform. Damn she doesnt get a bad day does she? Her voice on stage and in the studio sounds exactly the same. She is the best American Idol in all the seasons so far! But sadly, Alexis Grace got kicked out today. So unexpected. I reli wished she would have continued on becoz her voice was one of the few tht I felt would be amazing to hear on radio =) I guess things are kinda unpredictable. Anyway, it just past midnight, so I'd like to say a biggggg HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: - Vee Shian (hey bro!! noe u 4 another year lo... i think pretty much since I was a kid n u were a baby hahahaha!!! I treat u lik family liao la! Heh.) - May Shuen (Hey girl!! Wished u everywhre edi hahaha... Glad to hv known u. ur reli an awesome person^^. Quite miss our days back in TARC sumtimes..) Love ya'll!! 12:17 AM: Life takes a slower pace..
Finally the showcase is over!!!Whoopie!! God, i'm so bloody exhausted today. Got up at 7am, bath n eat a bowl of cereal, and arrived in college at 8am. Started fixing up the booth and started greeting ppl to our booth at 10am. Things stayed this way until about 2pm when our speakers finally arrived. Yes, they aren't from Amway. Like hell, i'm gonna look for them again!! These 2 speakers r vry gud. They are skin specialists and chemists so they told me the white patch of pigmentation on my face could actually be cured. Possibly to be even FOC sumtimes. (the treatment that is.) Wonder if I'll get that lucky? Well, things dragged on until about 2.30pm and then, we started setting up the projector and stuff. The talk was over all vry good. We even made sure at the end of the talk, many girls were asking about Skin Whitening edi hahaha!! PS: I will upload photos once i get them from Vivian^^ And when it was finally, we went back to the booth and I went for my "lunch" at last at 4.00pm. So damn hungry!!! Didn't get to eat anything since my bowl of cereal at 7am.. But then when it was all over, I went to the 10th floor to ask Ms Jaime abt my Sociology marks. And I got 9/10. Yay! So far, Socio - 9/10 Chemistry - 36/40 Gen. Psy - 42/50 (Highest in class^^) I'm so proud of my results this round. All my hard work has finally paid off. All I need to know now is my Interpersonal Comm marks next monday. Then, hopefully all my effort will be enough to get me my A's in the final exams. Anyway, after class ended, Sara's mom fetched me back to her hse so tht I could help her out with the computer stuff. SO damn tired by the time i got there. I couldn't reli help much but I tried anyway. In the end, I got home at 9pm. And Chi yan called to cancel our plans for tomorow night. So i told win jiun n w.guan. But W.Jiun sounded a bit unhappy, and C.Yan called again n told me W.Jiun was quite pissed abt it but tried to hide it. W.Jiun called me in the end so it'll just be us guys tomorow night then. But anyway, me n c.yan continued to chat for quite a long time. Then, i went to bath hahaha!! At 12am+!! xD Thx 4 da chat c.yan. Din noe u had counseling skills in ya hahahaha!! (wonder if she'll ever read my post =='') Terbalik pulak today hahaha~ xD Oh well. And btw, my plans to go Sunway Lagoon has been postponed to next month, coz we wanna make sure everyone can go. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun. =) And also, I think my genting plans r a no go. So, I might probably be more free than I thought. Sounds cool, tho i kinda did wish i could go to Genting now. xD Maybe I'll go back to school to check out the Marching n Choir. Maybe. Oh ya, Jia Wei is going to NS tomorow!!! Gonna miss u crazy girl!! Hahahahha... Hope u stay safe n hv fun thr! ;) Hmm, things seem to finally be slowly down. This week is ending. But even tho the showcase has finally ended, I've still got 2 reports, 1 presentation, and a sociology research to conduct within the next two weeks. Mostly by next week. Oh well, take em' one step at a time. =) And I am thinking of joing the California Fitness down at MV. Finally. I've been wanting to for qutie some time now but the price has always been... Hell. But this time, they have a promotion of rm99 per month! So cheap n worth it. But first month i gotta pay 2x Rm99 la. So my mom asked me to come out with the money myself first. I know tht it could possibly be wasting my money, and I might get lazy, But i think I shud start forcing myself to do some exercise. Time to get fit!! Sad tho, that i will be going alone. Guan dun wanna folo me so no 1 gonna join me lo.... T.T But i dun care. I must fight for what I want myself. Push myself. ;) So i think I'll join tomorrow. Since their promotion does only last till tomorrow xD And I will be going to MV wif my mom, aunt, Sara, bro n sis 2moro. Watching movie i think. So i think i'll join then. Hope I'm making the right decision. Update soon. Labels: my life, presentations Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 11:26 PM: Outing with Jia Wei and Cat
Just as promised,the pictures from my outing with Cat n Jia Wei ytd. =) Tho pls excuse all the photos with me in it. I look like one of those freakin zombies in Resident Evil!!! Suckish hair, eye bags, and hell, i dunno y i looked extra skinny tht day!! But anyway.. Makan-ing at Kim Gary: Bowling at err.. Bowling Alley xD: Blueberry Cheesecake.. Chocolate Indulgence!!!!!! And Jia Wei's cheese cake 4got wat name edi xDD Eh??? Who is tht?? Cat cant tahan liao.. wan start without us xD Haha. See her eat until cant see mouth d xD ![]() Thinking? Abt wat? Hw to thank us? No nid la.... wakakaka!! ![]() Sigh. Tis Cat ar... Keep can't tahan xDD ![]() Lol!! ![]() Fuyoh!! Today her day sure pose all so yeng de worr!! xP ![]() Swt... Wan LCLY pulak... Gimme!!! xDD ![]() Me n Cat. Car Park: ![]() Haiz, this girl ar... Go car park sumore still wan pose =='' So syok la.. Lolz. ![]() Heh. Mz rmb us lo Jia Wei!! =P ![]() Errr.... swt xD Hope this trip is crazy enuf for Jia Wei bah hehehe... Its almost time for her to go to NS. Hopefully her experience thr will be better than mine =) And... the end.Labels: friends, my life, pics |