Me. My Life. And Crap.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009 @ 12:35 AM: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHI YAN!!
Well, today's post is dedicated 2 my awesome n best friend, Chi Yan.


I can't believe we've been friends for so long.

Anyway, I just wanna say I'm glad 2 have a friend like you.

I've often wondered what would it be like to have certain things in my life happen differently,

but to be honest, I wouldn't have my life any other way.

Because all that has happened these past couple of years has made us better friends and I cherish all the fun moments we've had together.

Especially with our gang xDD.

The pizza moment,
the delifrance bread moment,
the guan's surprize bday party time whn yi zhen got caught,...

Unforgetable times!!!!

(To those who dunno wht i'm talkin abt, dun worri.. its a gang thing xDD)

So at the end, I just still wanna say, thanks for being my friend for so long.

Ur an awesome friend and u look down on ur self too much.

Be more confident!

U always look down on yourself and thats ur greatest weakness.

Ur only weakness, in fact!!

Well, there is obviously also the fact that U nvr spend enough time relaxing...

Or spending time with ur friends... **hints to c.yan something**

Lol, jkjk xDD

A few mini-memories:~

-Though these r the only few pics we ever took together!!
-Note to self, make chi yan take more photos xDD

So, anyway,

I wish u all the best this year and all the luck in the world for u.

Hopefully our friendship will continue to last throughout the years to come.

And once again,

Happy Birthday and glad to have you as a friend. =)

Great Day all!!

**at Christine's Wedding**

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Sunday, January 25, 2009 @ 8:29 PM: GONG XI FA CAI!!
Yo guys n gals out there!!

I'll probably be busy gambling at my grandma's house later so I wont be posting much.

Same goes for the next couple of days.

Collecting Angpaos and eating the days away n stuff xD

So, if anything the most I will just come online to check for comments n msg etc.

But before I head off,

Just gonna wish everyone...

Happy Chinese New Year!!

Get many Angpaos ya guys?? :P



Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 10:16 PM: Money, Money, Money!! And hair xD
Spent a lot of money these 2 days.

Ytd, i went to midvalley with Sara, despite still having slight fever.

Had to go find Chi Yan's b'day present.

Then, had to go buy a new shirt for my CNY xD..
Though not needed, but wanted^^

At the end, I spent...
rm80 on a new T-shirt,
rm30 on a stand-lamp (the one i said i wanted 2 buy at Bangkok but costed rm200),
rm28 for chi yan's present (dun tell u guys wat isit yet, in case she reads xD),
& rm10 on food (lunch... gotta eat! xD)

So total, I spent abt rm150.

I know.

But I was gonna buy 2 t-shirts at 1st but I changed my mind and only got 1.
So technically, I saved rm80 xD

I bought the purple 1, but almost bought the other xD

Anyway, today then, I actually didnt spend any cash until at night.
I couldn't stand my long hair anymore!!

It kept getting in the way.

So, I went to cut it at a salon called E&M at Endah Parade Sri Petaling.
My friend Jia Wei intro to me de^^

I was a little nervous at 1st coz i was afraid to change hairstyle b4 CNY..
But in the end, I thought..


So, I let the person help me cut my hair.

In the end, the haircut cost rm35,
and I bought a rm20 hairspray.

Then, I ate mcDs, about rm10.
And I went to get some photos developed.
Another rm8.

So total today, I spent another rm73 today.

Total in 2 days, spent rm223!!!

So bloody painful now that I write it down in actual numbers.
But, after this round, I will not spend this much ever again!!

At least for this year xD

Though I can't say the same for my hair.
My hair is gonna need serious damage control after this!!

Today's haircut wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, but still...
I feel like whining for some reason!!

It doesnt look much good to me.
I prefer the old hairstyle much better.
I miss my far far away and expensive hair salon!!!!

Oh well, hopefully CNY will bring me back some of my spendings.
The rest, well, lets just say this is the last time I spend so much unnecesarily for 2009.

My poor hair...

This is my hair before.
Ignore the face. I was sick whn i took the pic xD

This is my hair after...

What do u guys think about the hair change?

Comment on it pls!!

I reli not sure about the new style...

So frus now. Comment!!

I accept both gud n bad comments^^


Nite Guys n Gals!!

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Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ 9:11 PM: Sick Little Boy...

Fall sick liao loo...

So long nvr sick, nw suddenly fall sick reli feels terrible.

Especially when tired all day n cant do much.

Oh well, must get some rest b4 CNY.

Hopefully by 2moro will feel better^^

Nite All!!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009 @ 11:06 PM: My day was horrible. Whats new?
What the hell is wrong with me these days?!!!

One moment the day seems to go so well, that even a heavy rain wetting me and my fav new sweater couldnt damper my mood, then the next minute i'm freakin pissed!!

I went to college 2day, forgetting to bring the assignment proposal tht i spent all night doing ytd, but I still wasnt pissed.
Then, after colelge I went to walk around MV alone searchin 4 chi yan's bday present, and didnt find anything in the end.

Still in a good mood.

Better still, found some T-Shirts that were reli cool and reli was wat i was lookin 4 all along!!
They cost abt rm75.90 each t-shirt but i reli dun give a damn.
Here's something I would willingly let my wallet scream about for quite awhile.

Its about time I pampered myself a bit and let myself act like a normal shopaholic teen for once.
So, I called Sara and invited her to join my search for the present again on Friday, and help me pick out 2 t-shirts b4 CNY.
I'm gonna look awesome and rock this chinese new year!

B4 i left, I went over to Watson to get myself a new shaver and some aftershave.
The old shaver has been bothering my skin for quite sometime.
Always end up cutting myself with the no longer razor sharp blade ==''

Then, in the heavy pouring rain, I ran over to the bus stand opposite MV to catch a bus back since my dad wouldnt come to fetch me.
Still, in a good mood.

By the time I got back, I was already completely soaked.
I didn't reli care much.
In fact, it was a little fun.

But by the time it hit night, its like my whole personality changed.
My mom had asked me to give her back her money that she helped pay 4 me at the hair salon last week.
I was fine with that though my wallet was screaming in pain.

But then, I told her i only was gonna give her back rm100 coz another rm100 is for my tis month allowance that she never gave me yet.
Its almost end of the month anyway!

Then she kept tellin me she didnt hv enuf money and she wanted to take back another rm50 1st for now.
I was reli frustrated but just complaint a little, as anyone would when their plans to spend that cash on a good new and nice clothing!!
My mom just said that I kept spending on expensive stuff.

KEPT spending?!!!
WTF la!! Seriously.
I always save my money any don't spend too much.
She said that I always eat expensive stuff and waste money.
She also said I always went 2 eat at Starbucks dunno 4 wat.

I only ate thre tht ONE freakin day with Sara last Sunday!!!
And she says I always eat thre like my daily routine is to head over to Starbucks...

I was soo god damn affended and pissed.
But I shut up and went over to watch tv.

After awhile, I did some calculations on whether or not I could spend on those 2 t-shirts now.
So I went over to my mom and told her to pls give me the money as soon as possible (I said in cantonese "尽 快")

But then, she kept starting bak and saying I'm so uncosiderate and pushy and rushing her to give me the money.
Then, my temper hit wayyyy up again.

I told her to stop jumping to conclusions and asked her if she knew what the meaning of "as soon as possible' meant!!
I mean, seriously. I said that means when she has the money only give me back coz I reli do nid to use it.
Not for the clothes, but for my everyday life...
But she kept denying that fact and said stuff like as son as possible aso cannot la coz she dun hv the money.

I was so frustrated and told her that come on la!!
I said as soon. AS SOON!!
Means dun nid deadline, but just when u finally at last got the money!
Saying "Ok, i will as soon as possible" would help!!
Even if u noe u cant anytime soon, just saying it 2 b understanding wouldnt hurt rite?

I kept defending myself until she couldnt deny that I was correct after all, then she told me okok la. I know la. U go do ur own things la.

It seriously pisses me off when ppl know their wrong but leave u hanging there like ur still the guilty person.
Its like ppl charge me of guilty of murder, and then i defend myself, then the judge just doesnt seem to tell me the result whether I'm innocent or not.
A simple "sorry" would have helped!

Is it too much to ask to want ppl to actually care about my life?
To not think that everything I do is pointless and unnecessary?
Just becoz u lived in a diff time and things were much simpler then, doesnt mean they are now!

I don't hate my mom.
I do love my mom.
But its just that, sometimes its reli frustrating and anoyying whn ppl always seem to accuse u of things u didnt do or just jump to conclusions about ur intentions.
Especially whn u didnt mean any harm in the 1st place and are trying to be the nice person.

I dunno la.
These days I'm like riding a roller coaster.
Sometimes mood gud, then suddenly completely opposite.

Swt. This reminds me of pregnant ppl mood swings.
Thank God i noe thats not happening to me!! ==''

I reli... HAIZ!!
My life is soo fucked up right now.

I hope tomorrow won't be another day of drama.
I reli cant take anymore..
All I reli want now is for CNY 2 hurry up and get here and stay long.
I dun wanna care about anything.

College to me is like such a small thing right now.
Personally, I'm a mess inside this head of mine.
Don't ask me why.
If I knew what was the prob, I would've done something about it by now!

And another things is that its so tiring to always try to be a good person.
To be nice and caring and understanding and tolerant to everyone.
Sometimes u just wanna tell ppl "I don't give a damn!" when I reli dun wan 2 b bothered with others problems.
Or maybe just wanna yell "Fuck you!" to some annoying ass which has been pissing u off since forever!!
And not even care that ur yelling a bad word.

My mom would freak if I ever even muttered a vulgar word.
I dont think anyone but Sara n V.Shian hv ever heard me say anything vulgar.
But even they hv only heard me say it max 10 times in my life???
And I've known them both ever since we were kids and when I was abt 3 or 4yo!!

In writing, probably u guys hv seen once in a blue moon.
The rest, I yell in my mind alone.

That sucks.
Coz sumtimes i feel lik thres an invisible block around my throat whenever i feel like saying vulgar words.
I think I'm starting to get over it. ;P

I wanna be crazy.
I wanna be me.
I wanna be able to be selfish and only think about my needs sometimes.
I wanna live life MY WAY!
I wanna live life unconstricted by worries and problems which are unnecessary, but I seem to keep putting on my own shoulder!!

I'm just well, again, pissed and in a bad mood.
I'm just typing what I'm thinking or feeling now.
I don't even know if its logical but I... haiz watever la.
I'll probably get over it by tomorrow.

Ignore me.

G'Nite Guys n Gals!!
**sry guys, no colorful words or pics 2nite.
not in the mood.**


Monday, January 19, 2009 @ 11:03 PM: Just Another Day in College Life
Today, I got up early, exhausted!!

Early: Because I had 2 go 4 class today.
Exhausted: Because I slept at almost 4am yesterday and woke up at 7am.

Anyway, I took a shower and my mom dropped me off at college around 8.30am.

My first class of the day was Introduction to Sociology.
This class was taught by Mrs Jaime, who is THE most awesome and coolest lecturer that I have ever met in the entire SeGi College!!
She taught me Movies last semester, which was whre there class and lecturer were both awesome!

This sem, she taught yet another interesting class.
Sociology helps us understand stuff like how come society does things in a certain way.
Like, for example, culture influences us more than we know!

Its a long winded story and lecture so I'm not gonna bore u guys :P

Anyway, after class was over, I went to the cafeteria with Vivian and Taps to wait for Celeste and Ah Leong to come and have lunch with us while we discussed our Chemistry Assignment.

We pretty much got everything settled by the time the 2nd class began.

The 2nd class, was Interpersonal Communication.

This class was also quite fun in its own way.
The lecturer, Miss Yusnita was quite ncie as well.
She could get us to understand most of everything she taught.

It as a shame that I was freezing to the bone and dying to go to the toilet!!
I couldnt seem to concentrate in class but thankfully, she gave us a 15min break halfway through the class. xDD

For the final part of class, we had to use all that we learnt and act out a scene that showed 4 types of barriers of communication (means things that make communicating tough).
That part was really fun to act in front of the class as we got a lot of laughter from the classmates.

Too bad, i was still freezing and was shivering.

Anyway, thats all for my class today.
I headed home where I hung out awhile before going out with Jie Kang to Little Tree Cafe at 9pm to discuss some stuff for my assignment.

He was working in Amway so I needed his help to try to get someone from there to help with a talk for my assignment.
We chatted for about an hour before we headed back home.

I then chatted with Jia Wei for awhile, asking her opinion on some hair stuff xD
I'm thinking about cutting my hair again coz whn I cut my hair last week Thurs, it came back look not right.

So I am still thinking about getting it cut again, but at a diff place where Jia Wei introduced me to.
Its only rm20-30 for a senior cut, which is cheap!!
Compared with Kenza's Studio which costs about rm50++ for a senior cut.

I've never been there before, so it might be risky.
And I'm gonna try 2 do it these few days b4 CNY, so if it turns out horrible, I'm gonna have to lvie with it during CNY.
But if it goes well, I will look sooo much better in CNY^^.

What do u guys think?
Should I do it?
Please give me opinions.... I'm reli not sure about whether to do it anot now!!

These r pics of my hair length and hair style tht I just took today.
Pls give me ur opinions on whether I shud cut it again or not based on these pics!!
I reli want a new style if can, but I dunno if its safe to cut.
But this hair is reli tough to manage!!

So, once again...
Help give opinion pls!!

Then, I spent the final few hours of my night,
Working on the Assignment proposal with Celeste, Maple-ing with Kenn and Christine, AND chatting with my bro Derrick (nt real bro, bt real gud fren hehe :P) in MSN, who must have just came back from Aus...


Thats what I called myself.

"You're are really an Eddie."
Thats what Derrick called me.

G'Nite Guys n Gals!!

**Guess who!! xD**

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Sunday, January 18, 2009 @ 11:55 PM: A Day In The Sun
Today, I hung out with Sara n V.Shian again.

Thanks 4 the day guys!!
Seriously, I reli needed a reason to get out of the house^^

I drove over to my mom's shop with Sara (and my mom beside me ofcoz xD) around 10am-ish.
There, we sat around chatting awhile before me n Sara headed over to Pearl Point's Starbucks for breakfast.

Sara kept hinting abt wanting 2 eat Starbucks so we went lo...
If not sum ppl might call me evil n heartless ==''...
I ate a English Muffin n had a Caramel Hot Chocolate.
Costed me a fortune eating there!!!! >.<'' Anyway, after tht, Sara said she wanted 2 go cybercafe while waitin 4 V.shian 2 come at 1pm worr... So again, we went lo... There, I played X-Men II: Rise of Apocalypse (hahahahaha!!)
I've been dying to ply tis game ages ago bt my computer never supported the format...

It was reli fun!
So fun that I nvr played Maple or RO wif Sara aso hahaha.

After awhile, sum1 said she nidded 2 use the toilet, so I told her 2 go lo.
But then, she went and came back tellin me tht thre was oni a guys toilet!!
Honestly , wht u expect from a CC??

I told her to just go since it was like a small room u could lock.
The CC was pretty empty 2day so no1 would go in and COULDN'T go in as long as she locked the door.
But she say dun wan wor.
Wanna wait later 1st...
So she tahan 2hrs lo til V.Shian came n we rushed over to Parkson to get her to a toilet!! xDDD

She can be reli unbelievable sometimes.
Especially when she managed to walk past a toilet that was free, and went towards a toilet that needed her to pay to enter. ==''

**smacks own forehead**

Well, 2day, our objective was to help V.Shian find some CNY clothes so we pretty much roamed around the 2nd floor searching for his clothes.
Focusing mainly on Oreef and Forest clothes since those were the most "In-trend" clothes available there!!

We took a short break at 3pm for lunch at Leo's before goin back up to continue shopping til 4.30pm =P

By the end of the day, V.Shian managed to get himself a new pair of jeans and a hooded shirt.
I, somehow, managed to get myself a new pair of Oreef slippers as well!! xDD
I noe i already bought 1 frm Bangkok, but tht 1 was a bit flimsy and not comfortable so I had to get another!!
So technically, its not wasting. xP

Anyway, with the empty-handed Sara (as usual ==''), we 3 headed back to my mom's shop and V.Shian went home 10mins later.
Me and Sara continued to wait for our moms to finish their last customer.

And wht better way to pass the time by taking pics!! xDD

Wakakka!! Snapping Sara!! :P

Me n Sara^^ (i edited the 2nd photo coz it was too dark.. so far so gud :P)

Overall, 2day's activities helped me get distracted for a day without much worries.
At least until everyone went home and my confusing and annoying thoughts returned.

Though, I am still glad I had a couple of hours to breath! (not literaly... i had the flu xD)

When I came back home, I once again tried to distract my mind again.
I played around with my photos abit and guess wht I ended up finding out?

My looks come frm more famous ppl than I thought!!
LoLz. xD

Top Left to Right: Stephen Chow 68%, Nakashima Mika 66%, Michelle Branch 63%, Rain 63%.
Bottom Left to Right: Lindsay Lohan 61%, Bae Yong-Jun 61%, Lara Flynn Boyle 61%, Sammi Cheng 59%.

Well, after figuring THAT out, I went surfing for music.
And that's when I found out again, that David Archuleta had already released his 2nd music video!!!

A Little Too Not Over You.
Its a great song, reli.
I've been listening to it and a few other of his songs since they came out online but this is the first time I saw his MV.
I'm quite surprised tht he gt his 2nd MV out so soon after his 1st MV came out not long ago..
Its actually quite gud to be honest.

Its rather diff this MV...
And best part is, they reli didnt need much stunts for this one!!

The just needed a house, some sprinklers for the rain, a camera, a guitar, and before they shoot the MV thy had to go take some photos by the beach!!
Thats all!!

I seriously think this is one of the most simplest MV ever made!!
There are other simpler ones ofcoz, but this one has gotta be atleast one of the best! ;)

Well, by the end of the day, I've managed to distract myself long enough for the day to end.
Now, my problems shall be something I'll worry about tomorrow.

For tonight, I am free of all burden as I drift off into unconsciousness...

G'Nite Guys & Gals!!

**the gud old days..**

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12:34 AM: Can anyone just shoot me?
I seriously dunno what to write these days...

Last time, I had so much to write.
Mostly fun experiences, ever since i joined into SeGi.
I thought my life was finally beginning to settle down.
How wrong was I!!

The sea is always calm before a storm...
Or atleast thats what I think I heard before!!

Now, 2009 seemed at the beginning, to be starting off on a good note.
However, right now it seems to be getting more and more frustrating!!
I dunno y....

I mean, yeah, money probs and crazy assignments does put a damper on things.
Especially the Chemistry assignment.

Reli... Y the hell do I nid 2 take the subject?!
its not like i was in science stream.. ==''

Anyway, mostly, i guess its just me who isnt feeling right these days.
I'm so frustrated by so many things.
Some things that hv 2 do with this new year, but some things are just somehow, frustrating.
Even though, I still aren't so sure wht in the world that thing is!!

I mean, I know there's something there, but its just hard 2 pinpoint.
I wish someone could hypnotize me and make me say whatever is bothering me inside!!

I have thought of letting my friends noe, but I doubt that they could help me much.
I mean, how could they when even I don't understand what is the problem?
Even so, it would be nice if I had some company from them.
I kinda miss them.

Well, I'm usually on the computer these days, listening to songs while watching shows.
Mostly, I on all the music that are inspirational, romantic, or otherwise peaceful.
Coz right now, I cant do happy upbeat and lively songs.

Sry guys about the dull and boring posts lately.
If I am putting a damper on any1's day, I apologize and don't let me keep u frm having a great day. =)

Anyway, I think I'm starting to take this exercise thing more often now.
I heard that exercising helps lessen stress.
So I've been doing some exercise around the house and trying to add a routine of swimming once a week atleast.

I've just went for a swim earlier this evening.

If this exercise thing doesnt help me lessen my stress, atleast there's still hope for one of my new year resolutions then!

I wanna be more fit fit!!

Coz i wanna look gud in the Calvin Klein's T-shirt my big cousin sis, Geraldine gave to me for Christmas. =P

Its a T-shirt that kinda is suitable for ppl wif more muscles and since my arms are so thin, and the sleeves r a bit short, it makes me look SUPER SLIM!!

I must make myself fit enuf to look gud in it!!! xDD

And btw, I've just cut my hair on Thursday.
I went with my mom and W.Keat.

However, the usual guy, Kenza, was busy so we had to make do with his apprentice, Niki.
Well, it wasnt that she was lousy or anything...
She was good.

But, still not up to Kenza's level yet unfortunately.
My mom keeps complaining about how her hair is so bulky these days.
And I.. well... errr... I can't seem to get used to this haircut now.

Mom says my new haircut looks like one side is more heavier than the other side.
And that it makes me look kiddy, or younger...
To me, I just feel like it doesnt suit me.

tis is the best pic i got of it.
the stylist managed to gel it to this look.
So, imagine hw it would look lik whn I tried to do the same thing..

My mom aint giving up though.
She keeps calling for another appointment with Kenza to help her straighten out this mess.
But the saloon keeps sayingthat he is fully booked til CNY!
My mom still won't take no for an answer hahaha!!

If possible, I might try 2 get something done again as well.
This just isn't me...

I reli reli RELI wish I could hang out with my friends more often like in December...
It reli is getting dull and boring without them.

And I reli dun feel like doing boring stuff like studying now.
The idea of quitting everything and just enjoying my life right now is soo tempting.
However, I must resist.


Someone please oh please help me figure out whats wrong with me or just shoot me in the head!!
Its just so frustrating that I cant seem to understand whats the matter.

I think I might be repeating parts of my sentences in this post, but I reli don't wanna roll back up to check and edit.
Sorry again guys if there are any repeated sentences.

Better head off to bed.
Dad's hair smell beside me is seriously stinking up the premises.
He never washes his hair ==''
Making me feel like puking now.

All that oilyness and stench... ><

G'nite Guys n Gals.^^

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 @ 11:39 PM: Most Frustrating day of 2009!! So far...
Well today was really not one of the best days.
I cant say this morning went badly, just that it was rather annoying.

I had to get out of bed at 9am this morning, being pestered by my sister because we had to head over to my mom's shop by 10am becoz my dad had 2 go out ==''

So, we went over and I hung out around there till almost noon, then i went 2 take a bus 2 college.
The weather was really hot then and I kena stomach ache sumore.
The chicken rice had too much oil this time...

Then, when I got to college, it was smooth going for a little while.
But mostly, it was a bit of a drag.

It wasn't that the class was uninteresting..
It was just that I've already studied some of the parts that we were learning today back at Tar College.
I was so hoping for something more new or fun!!!

But, it didn't come.
Though I guess that was just me being impatient.

Then, when class was over, I took 2 buses back to my mom's shop again where she picked me up and I drived us home.

It was right before the new season of American Idol started that me and my mom turned something small, into a big matter.
Then, we argued for awhile before doing our own things in silence.

I honestly couldnt understand why I was so frustrated today.
As a matter of fact, these past FEW days!!!

Seriously, it was really just me telling my mom that I wish my bro could do his tuition in a tuition center instead of doing it at home where he wasted all our precious resting time 2 listen to music or watch tv.

But then, she got all "Tuition is not a waste of time! Its for blah blah blah blah blah.... U all always get to watch tv and play computer 1 ma... tht 1 even more waste of time ma..."
Or something like that.

Then I started to defend myself and tell her that not everything that she doesn't like is a waste of time... Then things started to turn into a self-defensive situation...

She kept trying 2 convince me she was right, I convinced her I was right... ARGHHH!!!


I seriously am so freakin frustrated now!!!

But ofcoz, after awhile, not more than 20mins, me n my mom got back to talking terms and then continued to joke abit when watching American Idol.

We're like that.
Thats the good thing about us.
We never hold a grudge for more than awhile.

Though, I still wish we didn't have to argue.

But then later on that night, my dad suddenly (I forgot wht started it..) told my mom he dun hv enuf money edi.
N then he kept bringing up the money issues and all that crap, n stuff about the electric bill.

He asked my mom to borrow some money from my grandma 1st to pay the electric bills.
Then he looked at me and asked me if I had rm100..
Like I could say no.... ==''

Seriously, and he had the money but he wanted 2 return the money 2 other ppl 1st tht he had 2 pay back.
I was thinking to myself, "Isn't helping the family 1st more important than other ppl thinking ur not trustworthy?"

I mean, u can barely help urself but u want ppl to look at u n think ur like this gud person?!
But u dun mind borrowing money from ur wife's mother and ur son?
Borrowing money from Old Women and Children!!

So mature... ZZzZzz....

I seriously dunno wat 2 say about him anymore.
And my mom just told me that we had to cancel off Astro's Dynasty and Learning channels to cut down on monthly usage.
I said okay, but I wish she would've cut down the Sports and News channel as well!!

That stupid ass (dad) always also like tht...
Sacrifice the kids things 1st like our Cartoon channel, or our Movies channel...
But whn we say get rid of his channel, he yell and say we're selfish.

I reli feel like grabbing a chair and ramming it into his ribs sometimes.
But that he would probably just find someway to make our lives more miserable for it..


N sumore, 2day's chemistry group meeting was a failure as well.
We were supposed to meet on MSN to discuss our assignment but only 3/5 including me, was online.

Oh well...
Have to postpone it to tomorrow night.

I seriously dunno what else to say or do.
I'm so frustrated these days that I have even questioned myself as to what am I doing now.
Why am I studying? I dun even noe wht I wanna be yet.
So why am I studying? Shud I come out N work???
No, I shouldn't. Becoz I reli reli still hate working life now so I'd probably end up quitting my job again.
Then what AM i doing with my life now?
Wasting it???
Why the bloody hell am I even thinking about all this???!

Crap! What is wrong with me??!!

Haizzzzz..... You know, I'm just gonna try n forget about today and go and grab a book to read n listen to music, or something.
I nid 2 get myself back together in one piece.

Today is the 1st frustrating day I have in 2009!!!
Hopefully, nothing will beat this day and become another even more frustrating day...
I seriously don't want another relapse of last year's Jan-July!!!!

Those was the worst parts of my life.
U guys probably dun noe much about it since i only started blogging since August after I joined SeGi College.
Well, its a good thing too.

Anyway, I'm gonna head off to reading that book I mentioned.
Maybe I'll read P.S I Love You.

A good mushy romance novel is probably what I need now 2 quell my frustration.
I think. xD

G'Nite Guys n Gals!!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009 @ 11:27 PM: As life goes on..
Well, other than tags, I havent been updating much since my Bangkok Trip post.
I admit I've gotten quite lazy lately, but that doesnt mean I'm free either.

I've managed to change something in this blog.
The music.

Its currently playing Don't Forget by Demi Lovato.
If u guys dunno who she is, she's the girl from Camp Rock.

She's got an album now that pretty much rocks!!
I would put a few of her other songs on the blog if it suited the blogging mood.
But its a bit too upbeat i think xD

If u guys get the chance, go check her music videos out in Youtube!!
Try finding her "Get Back" and "La La Land" music videos.
Those 2 songs r awesome!!

So anyway, back to bringing u guys up to date with my recent life....

Last Friday, I went out with Catherine to go makan makan with Edward Wong, my evil twin!!
We were suppose 2 eat with others like Elaine Kum, but ended up we kena F.F.K...


But still it was nice lar, coz I actually havent seen Catherine since SPM result day last year.
She looks quite the same but still, long time never meet her liao. xD

Edward Wong leh... keep say he got change so much his hair style but to us, he still looks the same hahahaha!!

So we went 2 eat at Pizza Hut near SMKSS lo...
Coz easier when fetch Edward.
So we spent the afternoon hanging out there.
Eating lo. Chat lo.

N we even happened to see Chi Yan there, spending some time with... Nigel lolz.
So I never kacau her lo, if not later become the "lightbulb". =P

Stupid Edward go n use my phone 2 curi curi take our pic... ==''

Anyways, that was all for my agenda on Friday.
For Saturday, I just pretty much spent it lazing in front of the computer.

But Sunday, Sara came over so there was a bit mroe life in the house.
About 4pm+ , she said want to go swim, so we went swimming lo.

Was so tired even though we only swam for about 1/2 an hour!!!
Sigh.. reli nid 2 do more exercise edi ><

Then later that evening, had to go 2 Midvalley with my family (except Dad) to help my sis buy a new watch.
She didnt have one apparently, and she wanted 2 choose 1 tht was less "ber-fashion" for the school.

Dun even noe why the school would set up such a stupid rule. ==''
Though, I never faced such problems bak whn i was there.

My watch was perfect even without too much fashion wakakakka!!

O ya, n Jusco was already starting their own Lion Dance parade around their Jusco area.
They kept going from 1 floor to the next floor.
So it was reallly funny to see the Lions going up the escalator xDDD

By the time we got home, I was so tired I just said I was gonna lie down for awhile lo...
Not gonna fall asleep.

But By 11pm, I had fallen asleep.
And I woke up at 3am+.
Couldn't fall back asleep.

Haiz, this is what I get for always sleeping at 3-4am...
Make my time all out of whack!!

Then I stayed up watching Digimon Frontier xD
Yup. Digimon.
This 4th season is 1 of the best besides the 1st season.
And I do still get addicted to Digimon every once a blue moon.

So, when I got to college, I was drowsy all day till I got home at almost 5pm.
But before I came home, I managed to get my last semester's finals result.

Turns out, I got 3As and 1 C!!!
The C was Biology so I wasnt surprised.
Though I was still dissapointed!!

But anwyay, total is that I got 3.5o GPA!!!
That was so cool! =P

Around 6pm, I then drove out with my mom to fetch my sis from SMKSS.
Yayaya!! I'm finally driving more often now!!
N getting more n more pro by the day :D

But after I came back and ate my delicious Pan Mee, I got sleepy and felt asleep at about 8-9pm.
Yeah, early again.
And ended up waking up at 2am this time.

So, I continued to go online and websurf, watch some digimon...

Then about 4am, I watched Twilight again^^
Reli!! That show doesnt get boring!!
But I still prefer the novels ofcourse ;)

This time, I didnt stay up.
After the show finished about 5.30am, I went back to sleep a couple minutes b4 my mom and bro woke up.

I then woke up again this morning about 10am++ ...
And I went for class at 1pm.
Today's subject was Enviromental Chemistry.
Super boring!!!

Before class, I sat around waiting for Vivian and the others.
But it turns out that Duncan n Sze Chenn was gonna go 4 the Thurs class so we wouldnt be able to have any classes together this semester.. Sob.

After that, Francis came in awhile, only to gloat that his results were SOOOOO "lousy"..
Stupid. He got 3As and 1 B!!
His B was Biology.

Damn him la!! Always say duno how 2 do ar... very lousy ar... but at last, he is the highest among all of us ==''

But still, he left before class even begun 2day coz he was gonna join Duncan n Sze Chenn's class.

Oh well, guess its me n Vivian again xDD
All our classes r the same 4 tis sem so atleast still got 1 ppl 2 teman me^^

Anyway... for Chemistry class 2day, Mr. Chong decided to welcome us with an assignment ==''
We had to do a asignment project about chemicals that affect our health.

We had to hand in a proposal to him b4 next Friday, but 1st we needed to find an organization that will attend our presentation.
And then, we had to prepare a booth where we would conduct our presentation along with those organizations on the 10th week of the semester.
We also had to do a 40 page report and hand it in on the 11th week of the semester!!!

Seriously, it may seem like its a long way to go, but once u look properly...
There isn't much time left!!! ><''

Oh well... guess life is gonna be so diff this year.
And I don't think I'm ready to be 19 yo yet!!!! ><

Dunno wht is it, but I seem to be starting to feel the pressure of a new life now.
Maybe its just me thinking too much again.
I hope its nothing.

Anyway CNY is coming soon edi so I shud b happy and look 4ward 2 it^^
Time 2 enjoy tis new year!!!
And I seriously seriously need to stop thinking so much.
It will be the death of me one day!!! xD

Well, thats all for this update.
Will try 2 update sooner next round^^

If not later See Ling angry hahahaha!!!

G'nite All!!

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5:39 PM: Tagged by See Ling!! Again!! XD

Lol. Kena tagged bak by See Ling xDD

I'm tagging....

  1. Siew Lin
  2. Wei Guan
  3. See Ling
  4. May Kheng
  5. Vivian
  6. Brian Yeoh
  7. Chin Kuan
  8. Ee Von
  9. Phraveen

1. How do you know 1?
- My cousin Sara's best friend. Then always c her eat char siew pao xDD

2. What would you do if 3 and 4 dated you?
- Ooooo.... No.3 ar... a leng lui.... Hmm, can consider de... Wakakakaka!!! xD.. Lol, No.4 cannot!! is my "kai lui" ><

3. Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
- Ehh? Dunno worr!!!! Thy 2 dunno each other but i can plan sumthin 4 them de... Hahaha!

4. Do you think 7 is attractive?
- LOL!! My gud fren the Monkey King ar? Sure la!! Lolz.

5. Do you know anything about 8's family?
- Erm, I noe she has a older bro n younger bro.

6. Tell me something about 9..
- Lol. Amazing friend who has pretty much the same interests as I do ;)

7. What language does 2 speak?
- Campur campur lo... Eng + Chinese =P

8. Who is 3 going out with?
- Eh? Dunno wor... See Ling never tell me wor... she should tell me lo.... Hahaha!

9. How old is 4?
- Just turn 18 last month. But this year will be 19 like me ><

10. When was the last time you talked to 5?
- This afternoon in class xD

11. Who is 6's favourite singer?
- Hahaha. I seriously dunno!

12. Would you date 7?
- OMG!!! Nooooo!!! Lolz!!!

13. What is 9's last name?
- Aiks!! Another thing I dunno... Reli need to ask him soon haha!!! Phraveen!!! Whts ur last name? xD

14. Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
- Errrrrrr... if she promise to give up all the char siew paos 4ever i might still consider it de.. Wakakaka jkjkjk!! xD

15. What school does 2 go to?
-Tar College.

16. What do you like about 3?
- Hmm, fun person lo. Gud fren lo, leng lui lo... Erm, very geng perbarisan leader lo haha xD


2:53 AM: Tagged by KeShin!!

Wow. 1st time I've been tagged in chinese!!

Oh well.. For those that understand can read. If not, sry xD

(1) 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。

(2) 請老實回答每一個問題.
(3) 不行擅自塗改題目。
(4) 寫完請點10位,不可不點。
(5) 點完後請通知那10位小朋友他被點到了。

(1) 你的名字→ Eddie Chew
(2) 生日呢→ 24th Sept 90
(3) 星座呢→ Libra
(4) 你是男的還女→ Male
(5) 現在很煩嗎→ Abit sure got lo

(1) 覺得朋友重要嗎→ Duh.
(2) 有被朋友背叛過嗎→ Cnt rmb. I dun lik 2 dwell on the bad.
(3) 感覺是怎麼樣呢→Read above.
(4) 如果有一天朋友都離開你→If every1 left me then i reli wanna noe wht did i do thts so bad ><
(5) 為什麼跟朋友吵架→Very rarely got such thing happen.
(6) 通常合好的原因→ Erm, close bond gua? xD
(7) 如果被很好的朋友背叛→ Cnt even begin 2 describe...
(8) 如果那個背叛的人要求合好→ Depends on wht thy betray me 4 in the 1st place

(1) 友情和愛情哪個重要→Both, but friendship comes first, for now at least.. Wont noe if i'll chng my mind yet :P
(2) 目前有男/女朋友嗎→ Nope. Single & Available xD
(3) 你很愛她/他嗎→ Dun hv "
(4) 如果她/他要求分手→Read above..
(5) 如果她/他劈腿→ Read above..
(6) 如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎→Not sure. Maybe got gua.. xP
(7) 覺得自己喜歡的人如何→ Erm, of coz amazing^^
(8) 覺得自己會喜歡那個人很久嗎→ Yea. Dunno.
(9) 如果有一天另一半突然離開→ Still duno wht i might do then...
(10) 分手的話會不會哭→ Depends hw it happened

(1) 家庭成員有誰呢→ Mon, dad, me, sis, bro.
(2) 最喜歡哪個家人→ Mom xD
(3) 最討厭哪個家人→ dad ><
(4) 覺得自己的家好嗎→ okay lo, in a weird, funny and psychotic way bah haha!!
(5) 為什麼呢→ Erm, just becoz our family is like tht lo..
(6) 親情對你來說很重要嗎→ Definitely.
(7) 有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都為了什麼事呢→ Haha. Alot lo. Small things 2 big things aso will de la.
(8) 後來是怎麼合好的→Just okay edi lo. Angry awhile then suddenly like nthn ever happen xD

(1) 點你的人是誰/他是你的誰→ KeShin.. err, ex-classmate lo hehe
(2) 覺得她/他是怎樣的人→Erm, leng lui lo.... fun lo.. Haha!
(3) 你們是怎麼認識的→ Same class in primary school
(4) 認識多久了呢→Haha. Dun rmb whn officially noe each other lo!
(5) 她/他跟你要好的程度→Can la... ok la... Fren la... HAHAHAHA!!
(6) 她/他的優點→ Sociable.
(7) 她/他的缺點→Hmm, duno leh...
(8) 喜歡她/他這個朋友嗎→Haha, ofcoz!! If nt later she kill me xP

有過的打圈 不曾有過的打叉
(1)耳洞: x
(2)染髮: 0
(3)抽菸: lol, i duno wht dis means, coz my chinese vry suckish! but i think no.
(4)喝酒: 0
(5)宠物: 0
(6)牙套: X
(7)手机: 0

(8)出国: 0
(9)戀愛: x
(10)自殺: X
(11)自拍: 0
(12)網咖: again, duno meaning xD
(13)刺青: duno again xD
(14)接吻: X (sob..)

(1) Make myself a better person
(2)Survive college!!

(1) 心目中的對象是誰→ no1 yet.
(2) 如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌入海,你會先救誰→I duno. I'll probably teach thm all 2 swim b4 go 2 the beach haha!! Bt if thy drown, I'll jz drown wif them.
(3) 直到現在有哪幾首歌,可以感動到你→ Wah!!! A lot lo!! xD
(4) 如果你有多啦A夢,你想要它的什麼法寶→ Hmm. Duno. Make me a digimon pet? Hahaha. Patamon xD (sry, goin bak 2 digimon addiction lately haha)
(5) 看漫畫的人為何看漫畫? 不看漫畫的人為何不看漫畫→ Erm, coz i prefer 2 read novels lik Harry potter n Twilight lo. Can imagine evrything myself^^
(6) 想改掉的毛病或習慣→ No self-confidence.
(7) 人生對你而言最重要的事情是什麼→ Becoming the best i can be and live overseas
(8) 哪部作品從開始愛上後到現在都還很喜歡→ Haha. Charmed. And err, others cant rmb :P
(9) 覺得目前為止作過最有意義的事情→ Helpin my friends through their tough times.
(10) 哪一件事情讓你永生難忘→ Lol. Plenty. Especially last year and 2007 events.
(11) 如果還有來生,你要當男生還是女生→ Haha. I'd wanna be a guy again ofcoz. This time, I'd like to look like a model pls xDD jkjk
(12) 大頭貼/視訊/手機/數位相機,最愛用哪一個拍照→handphone. more convenient.
13) 寫到這你累了嗎→ A bit.
(14) 學校合作社爛不爛→ok lo...
(15) 未來有什麼計畫→Migrate overseas
(16) 最想去的國家→ Hmm, too many!! I'd like to travel the world pls!!
(17) 被邀請玩國王遊戲的感覺→ huh?
(18) 如果你是狗,你最想當哪一種狗→ Duno. A hse dog in a gud family 4 sure xD
(19) 友情和愛情,你會選擇哪邊→Sigh. Canot 2 ma? xD
(20) 目前有在追喜歡的人嗎→ I whre will do anything lik tht la... too noob liao ><
(21) 目前最煩惱的事→ Haiz, duno.. which comes 1st aso blur...
(22) 你喜歡裝色嗎→ clothes color? erm, change every few months de wo hahaha, now is white.
(23) 你有懷疑過生髮水廣告的真實性嗎→ huh? dun understand hahhaa!!
(24) 想不想去神奇寶貝樂園→ ?? isit 8 wonders? ya gua...
(25) 認識新朋友第一眼會看什麼地方→ ofcoz face. No way look at ppl feet n say "Hi" ma!! xD
(26) 最想去台灣什麼地方: Taiwan msot famous hair salon. Gime somethin hot!! xD
(27) 你崇尚名牌嗎→Quicksilver!!!
(28) 有錢的話想包養誰→ Lol. Parents included? Then yep. Actually, just my mom.
(29) 如果會魔法你最想要改變什麼: Wow. Erm, me I guess. But i wont do anything 2 my friends. Thy're perfect the way thy are ;)
(30) 你願意花多少時間去等你所喜歡的人→ If i luv tht ppl, i dun mind waitin 4ever.
(31) 究竟是陪在身邊的人重要? 還是心裡的人重要→Hmm, shud be the ppl in my heart lo. Coz even though far away, thy r still important. Those nex 2 me could be some weirdo stranger right? xD
(32) 假如你有一千萬,你最想拿來做什麼→Givemy mom a comfortable life, then.... Syok syok enjoy my life lo!!!! Ofcoz will save and invest or sumthin la hehe.
(33) 世界上最值得你留戀的是什麼→ My gud memories with my family and friends.
(34) 什麼樣的異性最吸引你→ Erm, i aso duno how it works. If got feel then got feel lo.
(35) 第一次性經驗是幾歲→Hahhaa.. nope. Not yet.
(36) 現在開心嗎→Normal lo.
(37) 最多便秘幾天→ Eh? Dun understand tis again, but if its things u do wif couple, i dun hv a gf yet ><
(38) 有什麼事是你覺得一輩子一定要去做的→live my life to the fullest
(39) 目前有沒有什麼事,是你不想做非要去做的→ nth
(40) 如果有一天,火星人是我們的祖先,那你會去認親戚嗎→ Lol. wait 4 tht day 2 come only i answer this question on my space ship xDD
(41) 有沒有想過哪一天自己是怎麼死的→ Erm, i just wanna fall asleep peacefully one day whn i'm old n never wake up.
(42) 如果你告白失敗你會怎麼辦→ Haha. Tht is wht i always worry.
(43) 假使有一天被退學了,要怎麼面對父母→ Lol. Wont happen de!!! xD
(44) 你最喜歡的事物是→Hangin out wif friends, anything music related, shopping xD
(45) 你喜歡我嗎→ Lol? I aso say like edi lo.... If nt hw 2 b fren leh?
(46) 最喜欢的異性穿著→ Lol. duno.
(47) 試過最有效的減肥方法是→ Erm, no nid. Coz i eat like crazy aso nvr gain weight de. Hehhe. Jealous? :P
(48) 你喜歡瘦瘦高高還是嬌小可愛的女生→Erm, duno. I dun mind either way. Most important is the ppl's personality.
(49) 你覺得自己哪裏最性感→LOL!! Duno o. U tell me lo.... i aso wanna noe. I think See Ling say my slim body worrr HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
(50) 吃大便跟吃ㄆㄨㄣ你寧願吃哪一個→ ㄆㄨㄣ is wht o?
(51) 如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷吃,你會如何→ Erm, r we talkin abt food? Or sumthin else i'm not getting here? xD
(52) 喜歡被愛還是愛人→ 被愛^^
(53) 你覺得偷偷的愛比較好還是光明的愛→ ofcoz 光明的爱。If i can actually get tht..
(54) 為蝦米會有點名遊戲→Dun understand tis ques again.
(55) 累了嗎→ Still abit. Hehehe.
(56) 近期最開心的事情→ Hmm... Go Bangkok lo!!! Haha.
(57) 你覺得女生倒追男生會不會很奇怪→ Nope. Now the world very modernize liao lo... Quite normal thing.
(58) SBL你支持哪一隊→ Who or what is SBL?
(59) 愛一個人,需要付出多少代價→ Duno. What ever it takes, i guess...
(60) 為什麼會愛上自己的情人→ Becoz, whn ur in luv.. there's no reason why... U just luv them. ;)

*第五大題* 點名囉! =)
1)may kheng
2)kai li
3)Sheng hao
4)Wei guan
5)See Ling
6)Chin Kuan
7 n/a

Hehe. Sry, not many chinese-reading friends. So dun mind if i dun tag all 10 ppl.

G'Nite All!!


Monday, January 5, 2009 @ 11:46 PM: My Bangkok Trip
I'm uploading the pics from my trip to Bangkok last December.

Its gonna be quite a long post,
Though I'm gonna let most of the pictures to do the talking for me...

Journey to Bangkok:~

**The LCCT Airport in the morning**

**On the Plane**

what a noob look!!!~ nice view^^

Caught u sara!!! Wakakaka!!

Awesome view in the skies!!

the horribly expensive and tasteless cup noodles of AirAsia..

Bangkok Life!!:~

**Arriving at Bangkok International Airport**

To those who wish to go to Bangkok during the year end, pls note that despite its normal humid weather, it can get quite cold as well!!
The whole time i was there, I was freezing and dying for a sweater which i did not find.

gettin off the freaggin' plane!!

Whoopie!!! xD

Bag hunting.

Reli luvin their airport.
Beats Malaysia's ANYDAY!!

the exterior of the airport.
very cold outside!!
even more cold than the airconditioned interior of the airport ><
**Headin to the Hotel!!**

A funny thing I noticed in Bangkok.
Normally when we see signboard tht say wanna turn left or right, in Malaysia, we see this:

But in Bangkok, we will see this:

Cute huh??!!! xD

Moving on...

Bangkok City view.

Arrived at the hotel.

Nice X'mas tree

Large mirror by the bedside... MY KINDA ROOM!! xD

**Exploring Bangkok**

Well, Bangkok wasnt called the no.1 tourist spot for nothing.
The hotel i stayed in was absolutely surrounded by shopping malls!!!
There must have been atleast 10 shopping malls in the small area i was in.

We didnt even need to use transportation much since they were all a few minutes walk away.
And the best part is, their road sides are also fileld with lots of yummy food.
Not like here, all covered in flies and God knows what!!

In the end, by the time we reached the shopping malls, we were too full for lunch already!!
And pls note that the photos I show u of shopping malls arent the place i buy most of my clothes from.

I select my clothes from more affordable places.
Though the clothes here weren't too pricey, i decided to go for quantity instead of quality.
Not to say the clothes i bought didnt have ANY quality!! xD

This yummy small box of mee costed only 10 Baht.
Meaning only rm1!!!
My god, it tasted WAYYY better than any mee hoon we could find in KL.

the streets of Bangkok r very well decorated and clean.

shopping heaven!!
though i backed away from most of the branded clothes.
though cheaper, they were only cheaper by abit.
and i was spending on my own personal limited budget!!

This bridge connects us to almost every shopping mall in the area.
Convenient isn't it?!!

One of the malls we passed on the way.

At last, we decided to sit the "Tut-tut Che" xD

Ahh!! my hair is ruined!!
But... don't give a damn la!!

Look rich? Actually is abt rm300++ only haha!!

Hehhe.. Sara gettting a foot massage

I get a massage as well!!
Though there was a point whre it got a little too personal..
They massage all the way up to near the private parts..
Abit too close for comfort if u ask me!! xD

My point of view.
Jealous? Wish u were me? Wakakaka!!

dinner at Night Bazaar.

Night Bazaar.
One of the hottest places in Bangkok!!
Its the size of 4-6 of our largest Pasar Malams put together!!
I barely even finished half of it by the time we had to leave!!

So much to buy, so little time!!

The amazing night view.

To think, our hotel is surrounded by shopping malls..

Arnoma Hotel. There's where we live.
Look it up when u go to Bangkok next time!!

**2nd Day in Bangkok!!**

Havin a buffet breakfast!!

Haha. Too full edi xD.
And see the shirt i'm wearing?
Its the one i just bought at the night bazaar last night xDD
Surprizingly, the quality of clothes wasnt as bad as KL pasar malams!!

After breakfast, we hit the streets again.

A truly magnificent "Si Mian Fo"

Being a gud boy and praying haha!!

Crossing the bridge to another shopping mall.

Siam Paragon Shopping mall.
Sara's mom, which is my aunt, kept telling us how this place was a place she never missed whenever she came to Bangkok.

Reli cool shades!!!
Too bad they'd cost me a fortune!!

OMG!! X-Me's Cyclops's true identity is revealed!!
Its.. its... a girl?
Its.. Sara?!!

Sara trying sheos too big and OLD for her xD

Walking the red carpet.

This sweater would be so cool if it didn;t try to destroy my existence.
It costs rm300+. Almost to the amount of rm400.

Sara choosing clothes..

Now u didn't really think I'd come all the way to Bangkok, and not pose did u? xDDD

Sara & Me.

Wierd cousins. xD

Shopping Fun^^

And here, Sara heads to shop for lingerie while I'm left alone to pose..
They seem to do that alot.. the lingerie part...
And I feel like a stalker standing around the outside of the shop xDD

So i thought, why not pose?? Hahhaa.

After that was over, we went down to the food court for lunch.
Then we continued out to another destination.

So hi-tech la the Bangkok food courts!!
Using Prepaid cards to buy food.
Don't need all the messy change and coins...


I'm really amazed by the way Bangkok can decorate the city with such dedication.
All KL does is just throw a couple of tress and color banners around.
And voila!! Its christmas ==''

I always like these kid of fountains^^

I was so tempted to run through it xDD

Awesome photo, this one. ;)

Look at the decorations!!

Heh. Me n Sara being backed up by 2 giant ball ornaments xD

A rainbow on a wall of water.

Now, our next destination.
Central World Shopping Mall.
These shopping mall securities r sure gud aso.
Thy hv the kind of sensors u c at airports tht u hv 2 go through b4 u enter the mall.

Haha. Daydreaming xD

These box costumes r so fun!!
Thy stay still in a empty space, and jump up to scare or chase ppl whn thy come too close.
I watched this one as it chased a pair of american kids xD
See the little boy in the pic? :P

Anuty Penny says: "U can take the photo like this ma.. hug it like.."
I say: "Photo taken. Thanks Yi yi xDD"

Aww... can i keep it? Plss....

Merry Xmas all!!

Santa!! What are u doing?!

The 2008 New irresistably charming Santa (he lost weight xD).
and Santarina (she gained LOL jkjk)

So tempting to drink... xD

No time to sit around.
There's more shopping to be done!!

Tell me, honestly, does this shirt suit me?
I duno if i shud hv bought it.

Later tht night.. we went to eat at a restaurant called "Yum Saap". LOL.
If anyone tht noes cantonese, I'm sure u guys understand whats so funny here xDD

Even though it was very "yum saap", the food was delicious.
Especially the fish cakes!! and the tong yum!!

This bil is in Baht.
Imagine if it had been in Ringgit Malaysia.
And only 3ppl ahd been eating xD

Final look of the Bangkok night view.
Surprisingly, there are always lots of functions at night until 11pm.

Last Day in Bangkok:~

As it is the last day, I guess a little more posing couldnt hurt :P

Posing by the pool

Haha. Statue-like xD

Bye bye Hotel T.T

Gudbye beautiful shopping paradise!!

I'm gonna miss the scenery and peacefulness of the city..

Here we are... at the Airport..

So many colorful taxi in Bangkok.
Why cant Malaysia hv a little bit creativity like that?!
In Malaysia, diff color taxi means diff price.. SWT!!

WHile aunty penny searches for stuff on the side,
I'll take a last photo of the airport.

Lol. We're bringing back wayy more than we brought!!

Checking ourselves in..

Doing a little last minute shopping haha!!
Bought a Propaganda Keychain.
Its a white guy with the keychain dangling the guy's err... thing.
Haha. Its cute, no XxX stuff thre de hahaha!!
I maybe show u someday :P

The keychain i bought is sthn lik tis..
Only its in keychain form xD
But if anyone doesnt know wht 2 buy 4 my bday tis year,
Buy me this lamp xD
I reli want it!!

What a design!!

God!! This bag takes my breath away!!
But the price takes my soul away even furthur!!
Costs more than rm1500++

The plane is almost ready ... sigh...

Sob.. must i reli leave??

Sigh.. i guess so..

Gudbye Bangkok!!

Plane getting rdy 4 take off..

And now, we soar into the never ending sky..
Only to return to the chaotic land...

So there.
I kept my promise on posting the pics up.
As u can see, I've posted quite alot of pics, but honestly, they are only a small part.
I still got loads of pics that i didnt upload here.

Now do u see why it took me so long to upload them?
But anyways, this trip has been one of the most awesome ones I have ever had yet.

Hopefully 2009 will bring an even greater adventure! ;)

G'Nite All!!